JALISA was founded in1957 and consists of about 250 lawyers, researchers and citizens. JALISA is an international lawyers’ organization cooperating with Japanese lawyers organization, academic society and citizens’ society.
JALISA is initiating activities international peace and human rights on the basis of international law.
Our main activities:
- Campaign on right to peace and Article 9
The Japan Constitution confirms that all the people in the world has the right to live in peace in the preamble. This right to live in peace has common features with the UN declaration on right to peace (2016). Japan Constitution also has Article 9 that renounces use of force and prohibits maintaining of army. We promote dissemination of these provisions and thought to other countries.
- US military campaign
US military bases are in Okinawa and other area in Japan. They play dangerous roles. For example, to dispatch US military to Afghanistan and Iraq war and to raise military tension in Asia, especially against China and North Korea. We promote to eliminate US base with international solidarity.
- Human Rights Activities
Japan is receiving lots of immigrants from Asian countries. JALISA organize lawyers group and research activities for protecting immigrants’ rights. In particular, JALISA has accepted an internship of migrant human rights NGO since 2013 cooperating with NUPL, Philippines.